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Show of the Week- A throwback to Shock Radio's best so far!

With over 100 shows and podcasts on our station, getting the title of Show of the Week is a pretty big deal.

Each week our committee and producers can nominate shows out of the entire schedule, as the best show on Shock that week. After everyone battles for their nomination, each committee member and producer listens back and votes for who they think deserves the title of Show of the Week.

And that brings us to here! We'll be going through all our terrific trio of winners so far, why they won, and how you can catch them in the future.

On Air with Nat and Liam

Liam Shaw and Natalie Rees from "On Air with Nat and Liam"

Sometimes at the very start of the year, shows can be a bit rusty round the edges; but that was not the case for Natalie Rees and Liam Shaw!

They were the first to take the title of Show of the Week because of their fun, creative ideas which were well executed from the get go.

In particular, they entertained the audience and committee with their feature "Nat vs Liam" which trails the two presenters against teacher other, with the loser having to forfeit control of their twitter account to the other. This is still a regular feature for them, despite Liam's numerous losses: Glad you haven't given up Liam!

Nat and Liam say that "the show is upbeat, and designed to make you feel better on a Monday."

Sophia Chan, station treasurer, can back this up, saying their show was "well executed, fun and an overall lovely listen."

You tune into "On Air with Nat and Liam" Monday 12:00 till 13:00 on our livestream, or listen back on Mixcloud to their winning week.


"Soundshack" was our second Show of the Week winner, but the first specialist music show picked out from all the rest, for it's niche and exciting tracks.

Oliver Packman from "Soundshack"

Oliver Packman, who presents the show and brings all the tracks for it, said "Soundshack satisfies all your bass and beats needs, loaded with bass driven electronic music from around the world. From heavy, club ready Grime and Techno to experimental soundscapes, it’s all covered."

"Soundshack has scoured all corners of the internet to bring you the largest (and sometimes strangest) sounds."

One of our committee members even anonymously admitted "I was listening in the shower and was having a pretty good boogie, thats why I gave it my vote!"

But you can listen to Oliver's great picks yourself Tuesday 21:00 till 22:00, or get your groove on too with the electronic picks on the show that won him Show of the Week.

Worries with Winnie

And finally, our most recent winner: "Worries with Winnie"!

This show was awarded Show of the Week because it "continues to entertain listeners on a Friday afternoon thanks to a pair of very quirky characters," according to it's producer Joe McDermott.

Jordan Sim from "Worries with Winnie". Or wait, is it Winnie Henrietta Smith?

Each week Winnie (Jordan Sim) discusses with her friend Tracy (James Blake) their 'questionable' recent adventures and plans for the future.

We couldn't get in touch with Winnie, but Jordan explained, "Following Winnie's agreement to spend her community service answering people's problems on the radio, the listener get an insight into her and her friend's strange responses and advice to life's daily trials and tribulations."

You can catch Winnie and Tracy on Shock Radio at 14:00 till 15:00. Listen back to their stand out show here, and don't forget you can tweet your worries to Winnie using @shockradio!

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