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Students support the Light Up Salford Petition

Joe McDermott

The Light Up Salford petition has currently gained over 700 signatures from both students and parents in the effort to improve lighting conditions on Wallness Lane.

Located by University House, Wallness Lane is used by students to link up to Frederick Road and the Lower Broughton area, but has raised increasing concerns over student's safety at night.

Salford journalism student Niamh Shackleton began the Light Up Salford petition after fellow Student Union worker Demetra Doka was mugged on Wallness Lane. The incident has since become the incentive behind Light Up Salford in order to improve lighting conditions in the area.

Speaking to Shock, Niamh explained that it's not just students who are at risk, and doesn't understand why nobody has raised the issue sooner.

You can sign and follow the Light Up Salford petition here.

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