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Jailed: Dad who yanked his partner off the toilet

A Manchester man, who took his partner's benefits to fuel his drug addiction, has been sent to prison for "controlling and coercive behaviour."

Image: INSET - Kyle Howse (Facebook) & Manchester Minshull Street (Shock Radio)

Kyle Howse, who appeared by video link in a Nike tracksuit, was jailed for 2 years and 10 months at Manchester Minshull Street Court today (10th January 2023) after his partner began keeping a diary of his abusive behaviour towards her.

He yanked her off the toilet causing her to smack her head while she was urinating. - Mr Williams, Prosecution

Mr Williams, prosecuting the case, opened in court by explaining to the court that Howse was a paranoid individual and whenever his partner left the house he would “persistently call her and ask her where she was, who she was with and when she would be home.

“It reached a point where he called her so much when she was out, that as soon as he contacted her she would go home."

Describing the actions of Kyle, the prosecution said that he regularly used to punch doors and strangle his partner with one of these incidents taking place while she was pregnant.

One night someone woke Howse up, he blamed his partner and said he would “pummel her head in” and he raised his hand to her making their son cry, and then punched the kitchen cupboard which made their young son scream.

In a victim statement, she said the incidents "used to make her feel like she was having a heart attack."

12th April 2022: "She leant Mr Howse £140 and he spent £50 of it on Cannabis & Cocaine. She asked him for the money & he smacked her to the extent it perforated her eardrum and pulled her hair" said Mr Williams.

23rd April 22: "Howse threatened to scald her with a cup of tea because she gave him attitude when he asked her what was wrong"

19th July 22: It was one of the hottest days of the year and Mr Howse “couldn’t handle the heat” and while she was cooking for her and her son, he threatened to smack her head on a kitchen cupboard for using the oven in the heat.

Kyle Howse grew irritated on the video link from Forest Bank prison and exclaimed “this is bulls**t”

His defence counsel, Anna Chestnutt reminded the defendant that everyone could hear him and suggested: “It may be in Mr Howse’s best interests to remain quiet.”

Mr Williams, reading from a victim statement, said: "She can’t live in her own home as his dogs urinate everywhere, and she can’t use the extractor fan as it’s too noisy. She can’t have the windows open at night as his dogs bark, and she can’t use taps in the house as the boiler is too noisy."

30th August 22: 1.18 AM - Mr Howse accused her of being unfaithful stating the children are not his and said he wanted a DNA test. She decided that was the last straw after slapping her while she was in bed with their child. She called the police and said she needed help.

In the following days, PC McClean visited and was told that the victim had a plan in place to be executed upon receiving the results of the DNA test.

Howse called her 4 times during PC McClean's visit and the victim asked the constable to be quiet while the call took place.

PC McClean and PC Wood were prompted by him shouting at the victim on the 4th call to arrest Howse.

Mr Howse has written a letter in which he says he feels “deeply guilty” for his behaviour. - Miss Anna Chestnutt, defending Kyle Howse

Anna Chestnutt, defence counsel opened by remarking on a letter from the defendant in which he says he feels “deeply guilty” for his behaviour.

"He knows it will have impacted her. He wishes for me to convey that he knows she is a good mother and has been put under pressure.

"He knows he isn’t setting a good example for his children. He was using cocaine heavily at the time which contributed to his paranoid thoughts and beliefs.

“He said he is glad to be in prison” to get help and reflect.

Mr Howse has been waiting to join courses at Forest Bank Prison, but these aren't offered to inmates until they have been sentenced.

Mr Recorder Paul Reid rose to consider his sentence, and Kyle Howse appeared nervous as he began to play and nibble at his hands while waiting for the sentence.

Judge Reid said: “This is a bad case of controlling & coercive behaviour.

“It’s plain that she felt depressed and isolated. She was constantly fearful of you”

“I sentence you on the basis of your plea that you didn’t make any threats of violence to children”

"Your conduct was intended to humiliate and degrade."

"The best mitigation is your acceptance and remorse for unacceptable behaviour. For those matters, I give you credit.”

Kyle Howse was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months. He will serve around half of this in prison and the remainder on licence with strict conditions.

Mr Recorder Paul Reid emphasised the importance of Kyle Howse being very clear about the terms of this restraining order: "There will be a restraining order in the terms which have been outlined already which will allow you through the appropriate official channels to contact your children."


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